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Tên “Effect of excitation migration and upconversion in highly erbium-doped glass microsphere lasers”
Lĩnh vực Vật Lý
Tác giả Pham Van Hoi, Bui Huy, Do Thuy Chi
Nhà xuất bản / Tạp chí Communications in Physics, Vol. 20, number 2, pp.143-150 Năm 2010
Tóm tắt nội dung

Excitation migration and up conversion process in the erbium-doped silica-alumina glass microsphere laser with concentration of 2500-4000ppm were investigated in detail. The experiment shows that under 976nm excitation, the intense of up-conversion emission at 523,546 and 567nm, corresponding to the transition 2H11/24I15/2, 4S3/24I15/2 and 4F9/24I15/2, respectively depend on the erbium content, migration of excitation and pump power. The excitation migration has strongly influenced on the threshold and red shift of lasing wavelength and migration-assisted up-conversion process lead to degraded amplification performance of microsphere lasers made by silica-alumina glasses with different contents of Er-ions.

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