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Tên Представления о детерминантах развития одаренности (на материале Вьетнама)
Lĩnh vực Giáo dục học - Tâm lý học
Tác giả Phí Thị Hiếu,
Nhà xuất bản / Tạp chí Известия Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А. И. Герцена Số 129 Năm 2011
Tóm tắt nội dung

Determinants of capability development are considered from the viewpoint of genotype/
environment relationship. Implicit perceptions of the role of these factors in giftedness development
infl uence the effectiveness of education. The perceptions of Vietnamese respondents (710) were
obtained with questionnaires. Most respondents pointed out the leading role of environmental factors
(“eastern approach”). However, their perception based on their own spontaneous, unsystematic
experience is contradictory. The perception depends on practical work of the respondents with the
gifted and on the type of their professional activity. A conclusion is made that scientifi cally based
training for teachers and information disseminationfor parents should be organized in order to
work productively with the gifted.

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