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Tên Chuyển gen qua nách lá mầm ở đậu tương nhờ vi khuẩn A. tumefaciens.
Lĩnh vực Sinh học
Tác giả Lò Thị Mai Thu, Nguyễn Thu Hiền, Chu Hoàng Hà, Chu Hoàng Mậu
Nhà xuất bản / Tạp chí Tạp chí khoa học&Công nghệ- Đại học Thái Nguyên, 115 (01): 3-12. Tập 115 Số 1 Năm 2014
Tóm tắt nội dung

Soybean (Glycine max ( L. ) Merrill) is a short- day crop,  have the economic value and nutritional value and  is soil improvement crops. Soybean is plant group have tolerance resistant at low levels to the effects unfavorable factors from the external environment (drought and salinity) and susceptible to diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. Research to improve tolerance of soybean plants by gene transfer techniques have become interesting topic of Vietnam scientists. In this paper we presented summarize the studies on transgenic technique by cotyledonary node–Agrobacterium-mediated. Summed up the achievements of the world and in Vietnam as the theoretical basis for the research and application of gene transfer technique with the aim of improving the stress tolerance from external conditions, enhanced resistance to pathogenic factors in soybean cultivars in Vietnam.

Tải file Chuyển gen qua nách lá mầm ở đậu tương nhờ vi khuẩn A. tumefaciens. tại đây